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Star Systems
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Xylon is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Aries Constellation of the Triangulum Region.

The Xylon System is home to a habitable moon orbiting a brown dwarf, which itself orbits a g-class star along the outer edge of the habitable zone.  The brown dwarf, which contains a little over 20 Jupiter masses, has been cooling since formation.


The largest moon/planet that orbits the brown dwarf contains about a third of Earth's mass.  The moon is covered in around 40% water, located mostly in small, salty oceans which are completely surrounded by land.  With the heat from the sun combined with additional heat from the brown dwarf, the moon is warm enough for liquid water.

System: Xylon

Primary Star: TYC17747831

Stellar Type: G9V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.86

Luminosity: 0.64x Sun

Distance: 297.3 ly

Constellation: Aries

Region: Triangulum

Population: 750 Million


Xylon Planets

Xylon B
Xylon B is a brown dwarf which contains a little over 20 times the mass of Jupiter.  The brown dwarf orbits on the outside edge of the habitable zone, it has been cooling since formation.

Distance: 0.86 AU

Orbit: 313 days

Temp: 282 K

Mass: 20.3 Jupiter

Radius: 98,520 km

Gravity: 27.06 g

Rotation: 17 hours

Moon(s): 9


Xylon B2
Xylon B2 is a habitable moon/planet that orbits the brown dwarf Xylon B, the moon contains about a third of Earth's mass.  Xylon B2 is covered in around 40% water, located mostly in small, salty oceans which are completely surrounded by land.

Distance: 900k km

Orbit: 29.2 hours

Temp: 282 K

Mass: 0.30 Earth

Radius: 4,209 km

Gravity: 0.69 g



Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)





Triangulum Prime






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