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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Wistaria is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Sagittarius Constellation of the Sargas Region.

The primary planet of the Wistaria System is a water logged, swampy world.  The planet's thick, cloudy atmosphere gives way to a marshy surface below.  The ground is a mixture of lakes and bogs covered in mosses and algae.


Sporadic islands of solid rock are scattered across the surface.  These islands are home to a small population composed of primitive tribes and fishing villages.  The majority of the technologically advanced population live in cities that orbit the planet.

System: Wistaria

Primary Star: TYC740620141

Stellar Type: G9V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.77

Luminosity: 0.61x Sun

Distance: 295.4 ly

Constellation: Sagittarius

Region: Sargas

Population: 10 Million


Wistaria Planets

Wistaria B
Wistaria B is terrestrial world that orbits close to the sun.  The planet has a thin atmosphere, it's surface is composed of magnesium, carbon, with large deposits of iron.

Distance: 0.20 AU

Orbit: 37 days

Temp: 519 K

Mass: 0.32 Earth

Radius: 4689 km

Gravity: 0.59 g

Rotation: 93 hours

Moon(s): 1


Wistaria C
Wistaria C is the system's primary planet.  Technically, the terrestrial world is habitable, though major acclimatization is needed to breath the planet's thick, wet atmosphere.  Below the atmosphere is a swampy surface covered in bogs and marshes.

Distance: 0.74 AU

Orbit: 266 days

Temp: 273 K

Mass: 0.74 Earth

Radius: 5785 km

Gravity: 0.9 g

Rotation: 31 hours

Moon(s): 1


Wistaria D
Wistaria D is a large, cold, terrestrial world with a krypton and argon atmosphere.  The surface is composed of thick layers of ice, the ice eventually transitions into a global ocean deep below the surface.

Distance: 2.99 AU

Orbit: 5.9 years

Temp: 129 K

Mass: 2.6 Earth

Radius: 9765 km

Gravity: 1.11 g

Rotation: 45 hours

Moon(s): 6


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)














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