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Star Systems
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Varnus is a binary star system consisting of a yellow G-class star, along with an orange/yellow K-class star separated by 80 AU  The system lies in the Orion Constellation of the Betelgeuse Region.

The primary planet of the Varnus System is a world covered in water dotted with various island chains.  The islands are sprinkled over the planet-wide ocean, acting as an oasis for civilization and society, on a world that could otherwise not support long-term colonies.


Varnus’s primary planet was settled but never grew a massive population, as the planet’s islands simply couldn’t support.  Lack of freshwater, diseases, and chaotic weather are issues that plague the islands.  The planet's permanent population is consistently forced to overcome the unique environment.

System: Varnus

Primary Star: TYC164433580

Stellar Type: G0V ☼

Mass (Sol): A-1.12

Luminosity: A-2.32x Sun

Companion Star: B-K9V ☼

Distance: 371.49 ly

Constellation: Orion

Region: Betelgeuse

Population: 80 Million


Varnus Planets

Varnus B
Varnus B is a habitable, terrestrial world covered in a global ocean.  The world is covered in water and dotted with various island chains.  The islands are sprinkled over the planet-wide ocean, acting as an oasis for civilization and society, on a world that could otherwise not support long-term colonies.

Distance: 1.88 AU

Orbit: 891 days

Temp: 272 K

Mass: 1.68 Earth

Radius: 8,507 km

Gravity: 0.94 g

Rotation: 20 hours

Moon(s): 4


Varnus C
Varnus is a cold, terrestrial world with an oxygen and ammonia atmosphere.  A unique variety of organisms that exist in the planet's regolith, create the thin layer of oxygen in the atmosphere

Distance: 3.87 AU

Orbit: 7.2 years

Temp: 157 K

Mass: 0.8 Earth

Radius: 6,088 km

Gravity: 0.88 g

Rotation: 63 hours

Moon(s): 2


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)














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