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Triangulum Prime


Triangulum Prime is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Triangulum Constellation of the Triangulum Region.

The Triangulim Prime System is the regional center of the Triangulum Region.  The system has a long history along with a large and diverse population.  Triangulum Prime is the region's economic, industrial, and technological center.


Triangulum Prime's primary planet is a habitable world covered in 60% water.  The planet's land areas are separated into 3 major continents, Markham is the largest continent covering much of the northern hemisphere, with Whitchurch and Chatsworth in the south.  Much of the planet is warm and tropical, with dense jungles and savannas covering the majority of the continents.

System: Triangulum Prime

Primary Star: Name

Stellar Type: G7V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.95

Luminosity: 0.85x Sun

Distance: 302.01 ly

Constellation: Triangulum

Region: Triangulum

Population: 6.9 Billlion


Triangulum Prime Planets

Triangulum Prime B
Triangulum Prime B B is a hot, dry, desolate world scorched by the nearby sun.  Deep crevices stretch across the surface formed by highly volcanic cycles.  Tidal friction caused by the nearby sun can create large volcanic activity.

Distance: 0.20 AU

Orbit: 34 days

Temp: 558 K

Mass: 0.41 Earth

Radius: 4,912 km

Gravity: 0.68 g

Rotation: 65 hours

Moon(s): 0


Triangulum Prime C
Triangulum Prime C is a rocky, terrestrial world.  The planet's surface is composed the silicate rock, it contains numerous, exotic, temporary lakes of hydrochloric acid.

Distance: 0.51 AU

Orbit: 138 days

Temp: 344 K

Mass: 0.34 Earth

Radius: 4,567 km

Gravity: 0.65 g

Rotation: 51 hours

Moon(s): 2


Triangulum Prime D
Triangulum Prime D is a habitable world covered in 60% water.  The planet's land areas are separated into 3 major continents, Markham is the largest continent covering much of the northern hemisphere, with Whitchurch and Chatsworth in the south.  Much of the planet is warm and tropical, with dense jungles and savannas covering the majority of the continents.

Distance: 0.69 AU

Orbit: 215 days

Temp: 297 K

Mass: 0.94 Earth

Radius: 6,259 km

Gravity: 0.97 g

Rotation: 23 hours

Moon(s): 1


Triangulum Prime E
Triangulum Prime E is a standard gas giant with large amounts of ice in the atmosphere giving a white appearance.  Storms caused by the fast rotation are common and can cover large parts of the planet.

Distance: 19.01 AU

Orbit: 85 years

Temp: 54 K

Mass: 1.25 Jupiter

Radius: 71,549 km

Gravity: 3.16 g

Rotation: 12 hours

Moon(s): 15


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)





August Wind















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