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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Seraphine is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Taurus Constellation of the Pleiades Region.

Seraphine was colonized by settlers who were travelling to the Pleiades Cluster.  The system's primary planet had a turbulent history, as the various colonization groups continuously fought over land and resources.  These violent conflicts plagued the planet, slowing its growth.


Seraphine's primary planet is a habitable, terrestrial world covered in 70% surface water.  The planet's land areas are separated into two continents located in the north and south.  The largest is a super continent. which covers much of the southern hemisphere, and is home to nearly the entire population.  The northern continent is centered directly over the north pole.

System: Seraphine

Primary Star: HD 283447

Stellar Type: K2V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.78

Luminosity: 0.46x Sun

Distance: 330.1 ly

Constellation: Taurus

Region: Pleiades

Population: 1.1 Billion


Seraphine Planets

Seraphine B
Seraphine B C is a hot, terrestrial world orbiting close to the sun.  The  surface is composed of a mixture of iron and magnesium.  The planet has a thin carbon dioxide and nitrogen atmosphere.

Distance: 0.22 AU

Orbit: 41 days

Temp: 483 K

Mass: 0.54 Earth

Radius: 5,408 km

Gravity: 0.75 g

Rotation: 72 hours

Moon(s): 0


Seraphine C
Seraphine C is a habitable, terrestrial world covered in 70% surface water.  The planet's land areas are separated into two continents located in the north and south.  The largest is a super continent. which covers much of the southern hemisphere, and is home to nearly the entire population.  The northern continent is centered directly over the north pole

Distance: 0.72 AU

Orbit: 253 days

Temp: 287 K

Mass: 1.39 Earth

Radius: 7,220 km

Gravity: 1.08 g

Rotation: 29 hours

Moon(s): 3


Seraphine D
ISeraphine D is a common ice giant which contains over 25 times Earth's mass.  The planet is shrouded in various layers of hydrogen, helium, and methane gasses.

Distance: 11.12 AU

Orbit: 42 years

Temp: 60 K

Mass: 25.68 Earth

Radius: 28,693 km

Gravity: 1.27 g

Rotation: 17 hours

Moon(s): 8


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)


Prophet's Landing












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