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Zavius (Xaviera C)



Zavius (Zav-EE-us) is the third planet from the Xaviera System sun, it its the second smallest planet in the system.  Zavius is a habitable terrestrial world with an atmosphere composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.


Zavius's diameter is nearly identical to Venus, or approximately 5% smaller than Earth.  Though a slightly higher density means the planet's surface gravity similar to Earth (0.97 g).  The planet has a large iron core.


Zavius has shown evidence of geological periods of extreme glaciation where ice covered the majority of the planet.  During the majority of its geological history the planet underwent warming and cooling trends, as the planet warmed over short periods of time, the ice would recede allowing the life to expand.  The warm periods were followed by extended ice ages which caused numerous massive extinction events.  Starting approximately one billion years ago the planet begin gradually warming allowing the idgenious life to thrive.


Surface Composition

About 65% of Zavius's surface is covered in water.  The land areas are separated into three major continents with a northern and southern polar ice cap.  


Adjective: Zavian

Semi-major axis: 1.743

Orbit Years: 2.301

Orbit Days: 839.9 (Earth)

Orbit Days: 722.5 (Zavius)

Moons: 2

Radius: 6102

Mass: 0.89 Earths

Density: 5.61 g/cm³

Gravity: 0.97 g

Rotation: 27.9 hours

Axial Tilt: 22.1°

Surf Temp: 170 K - 318 K

Surf Temp: 274 K mean


Adalena is Zavius's largest continent.  The continent sits almost entirely in the southern hemisphere, stretching from southern polar ice cap to the equator.  Aldalena is relatively flat, rising in the south with numerous volcanic mountain ranges.  Winds carry moisture from east to west going from green forests and farmlands in the east to arid deserts in the west.  Eastern Adalena is the by far the most populated region of Zavius.
Thytia is Zavius's smallest and driest continent, sitting entirely in the southern hemisphere.  The continent is also the least populated of the three.
Located entirely in the northern hemisphere, Xurisa is a cold continent stretched along the northern polar ice cap.  Xurisa is the manufacturing center of Zavius, home to numerous industrial cities.;

Major Cities:  
Bellaskye Zavius's largest city located on the northeastern Adalena coastline.  Bellaskye is a modern city where large skycrapers have taken over neighboring farmlands.   
Aldis  Historical city in southeastern Adalena. 
Ubano  Industrial city located on an eastern peninsula on Xurisa. 


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