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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Nasira is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Orion Constellation of the Betelgeuse Region.

The Nasira System sits in an isolated part of the Betelgeuse Region.  This isolation helped protect the system's primary planet from the Orion Alliance influence that spread throughout the region.  The planet grew into one of the regions powers as transplants left other worlds, looking to escape the Orion Alliance.


Nasira became somewhat a safe haven, free from the alliance's influence.  The planet's population grew quickly during this time.  Though this period didn't last forever, the Orion Alliance began to disappear from worlds throughout the region, the planet started to slowly shift back into an isolated, quiet world as it was previously.

System: Nasira

Primary Star: TYC533218381

Stellar Type: G3V ☼

Mass (Sol): 1.05

Luminosity: 1.46x Sun

Distance: 471.3 ly

Constellation: Orion

Region: Betelgeuse

Population: 800 Million


Nasira Planets

Nasira B
Nasira B is a
rocky, inner, terrestrial world.  The planet's surface is hot and dry, as the world orbits relatively close to the sun.  The planet has little to no atmosphere, but is rich with metals.  Small mining colonies exist on the much cooler night side.

Distance: 0.62 AU

Orbit: 172 days

Temp: 362 K

Mass: 0.44 Earth

Radius: 4982 km

Gravity: 0.71 g

Rotation: 53 hours

Moon(s): 0


Nasira C
Nasira B is a lifeless world orbiting in the inner part of the habitable zone.  The planet has a thin atmosphere, which is not fully understood given the planets temperature and size.  One theory is that a comet impact early in the planets history stripped it of its atmosphere.  It may be possible to terraform this world, though no serious efforts have ever been attempted.

Distance: 1 AU

Orbit: 355 days

Temp: 285 K

Mass: 0.95 Earth

Radius: 7049 km

Gravity: 0.78 g

Rotation: 49 hours

Moon(s): 1


Nasira D
Nasira D is a habitable terrestrial world.  The planet was once bombarded with solar radiation as it had a weakening magnetic field, though terraforming helped reverse that allow large scale colonization.  The planet's continents are covered in sprawling grasslands separated by dense forests.

Distance: 1.33 AU

Orbit: 545 days

Temp: 287 K

Mass: 0.59 Earth

Radius: 5363 km

Gravity: 0.83 g

Rotation: 31 hours

Moon(s): 2


Nasira E
Nasira E is a large gas giant with around Jupiter's mass.  The planet has an eccentric orbit, during the warmer period when the planet is closer to the sun, bands of white clouds appear across the planet.  The planet 's overall appearance turns cooler and bluer, as the planet moves away from the sun.

Distance: 15.94 AU

Orbit: 62.1 years

Temp: 65 K

Mass: 1.17 Jupiter

Radius: 71592 km

Gravity: 2.93 g

Rotation: 10 hours

Moon(s): 14


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)





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