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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




K-Locus is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Lepus Constellation of the Fornax Region.

The K-Locus System’s location has made it a connection between regions. The initial survey of the system’s primary planet discovered a sprawling desert world lacking natural resources. As additional survey’s were conducted, they would find deposits of valuable metals under the surface. A handful of mining colonies were established across the planet.


The planet’s mining operations were turning profitable sparking the interest of numerous criminal organizations throughout the region. Looking to take control of mines, they launched a series of attacks countered by the planets security forces. The hostilities have continued as the planets security situation has continued to decrease. This has forced the shutdown of most of the mining operations.

System: K-Locus

Primary Star: TYC53459611

Stellar Type: K2V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.80

Luminosity: 0.25x Sun

Distance: 220.2 ly

Constellation: Lepus

Region: Fornax

Population: 5 Million


K-Locus Planets

K-Locus B
K-Locus B is the terrestrial primary planet.  The surface was once covered in large amounts water, but the majority of it has since dried as the planet seems to be slowly dying.  This has left behind a vast network of alkaline and salt flats covering the endless desert surface.

Distance: 0.63 AU

Orbit: 202 days

Temp: 223 K

Mass: 0.41 Earth

Radius: 4888 km

Gravity: 0.70 g

Rotation: 34 hours

Moon(s): 1


K-Locus C
K-Locus C is a rocky, terrestrial world orbiting outside the habitable zone.  The planet's surface is primarily composed of iron and copper compounds, it has a thin nitrogen atmosphere.

Distance: 1.24 AU

Orbit: 561 days

Temp: 170 K

Mass: 0.78 Earth

Radius: 6101 km

Gravity: 0.85 g

Rotation: 37 hours

Moon(s): 3


K-Locus D
K-Locus D is a common hydrogen/helium gas giant planet.  Trace amounts of water and methane exist under the hydrogen and helium layers of the atmosphere. 

Distance: 7.34 AU

Orbit: 22.2 years

Temp: 65 K

Mass: 3.2 Jupiter

Radius: 82,558 km

Gravity: 6.09 g

Rotation: 19 hours

Moon(s): 23


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)











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