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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Jericho is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Vela Constellation of the Acrux/Agena Region.

The Jericho System is a junction system that connects the Acrux/Agena Region with the Canopus Region.  The system sits at the outskirts of the Acux/Agena Region, despite it's remote location, a large, significant population has grown on the surface of the system's primary planet.


Jericho's primary planet was at first, a quiet agriculture world, far from the regional centers.  The planet's population grew along with the system's importance, as the Jericho System developed into a connection between the two regions.

System: Jericho

Primary Star: TYC858919331

Stellar Type: G9V ☼

Mass (Sol): 0.88

Luminosity: 0.60x Sun

Distance: 356.9 ly

Constellation: Vela

Region: Acrux/Agena

Population: 300 Million


Jericho Planets

Jericho B
Jericho B is a large world with a thick, cloudy atmosphere.  The dense atmosphere covers a rocky surface, located deep below the various layers of clouds.

Distance: 0.14 AU

Orbit: 21 days

Temp: 572 K

Mass: 2.71 Earth

Radius: 9,396 km

Gravity: 1.25 g

Rotation: 63 hours

Moon(s): 0


Jericho C
Jericho C is a habitable, terrestrial world covered in 60% water.  The planet's land areas are situated in two large continents, with an ocean that runs down the prime meridian.  The ocean separates the continents between the east and west.

Distance: 0.78 AU

Orbit: 267 days

Temp: 263 K

Mass: 0.53 Earth

Radius: 5,092 km

Gravity: 0.82 g

Rotation: 33 hours

Moon(s): 2


Jericho D
Jericho D is a cold, ice world with a thin neon and krypton atmosphere.  The planet's surface is composed of various layers of ice, sitting on top a silicate rock core.

Distance: 3.34 AU

Orbit: 6.5 years

Temp: 116 K

Mass: 0.23 Earth

Radius: 4,526 km

Gravity: 0.46 g

Rotation: 46 hours

Moon(s): 0


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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