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Gamma Delphini


Gamma Delphini is a planetary system orbiting a orange K-class star.  The system lies in the Delphinus Constellation of the Inner/Sol Region.

The Gamma Delphini system wide binary system consisting of an red giant and an A-class main sequence star.  A Jupiter sized gas giant orbits the red giant.  The planet's largest moon is home a small colony.


The moon is uncomfortably warm and dry across much of its surface, it lacks liquid water in all areas outside the polar regions..  The moon's environment forces the colonists to live in enclosed cities located at both poles, where the temperatures are cooler and a bit more earth-like.

System: Gamma Delphini

Primary Star: γ2 Del

Stellar Type: K1IV ☼

Companion Star: γ1 A2V ☼

Mass (Sol): γ2 - 1.72

Luminosity: γ2 - 6.8x Sun

Distance: 102.92 ly

Constellation: Delphinus

Region: Inner/Sol

Population: 30 Million


Gamma Delphini Planets

Gamma Delphini B
Gamma Delphini B is a hydrogen/helium gas giant containing just under 3/4 of Jupiter's mass.  The planet contains large amounts of Helium-3 in its upper atmosphere, which is mined, extracted, and exported to other worlds.

Distance: 1.55 AU

Orbit: 538 days

Temp: 321 K

Mass: 0.73 Jupiter

Radius: 55,460 km

Gravity: 3.05 g

Rotation: 17 hours

Moon(s): 4


Gamma Delphini B2
Gamma Delphini B2 is the largest moon orbiting Gamma Delphini B.  The moon is warm and dry, with limited liquid water located only in both polar regions.  The moon is used as a base for the Helium-3 mining operations on Gamma Delphini B.

Distance: 205k km

Orbit: 16.8 days

Temp: 321 K

Mass: 0.09 Earth

Radius: 3,060 km

Gravity: 0.41 g


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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