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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Exeter is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Vela Constellation of the Canopus Region.

Exeter's primary planet is a a quiet world that has grown a large population.  The planet is a charming world mostly covered in water, separated by small continents.  The planet is known for its pleasant weather, though severe storms, fueled by the large, warm oceans, are quite common and can be disastrous.


Located in an isolated part of the Canopus Region, Exeter has often been used a connection between the Canopus and Acrux/Agena Regions, as well as a jump point to systems in the Middle Regions.

System: Exeter

Primary Star: TYC81618481

Stellar Type: G6V ☼

Mass (Sol): 1.03

Luminosity: 0.90x Sun

Distance: 352.6 ly

Constellation: Vela

Region: Canopus

Population: 1 Billion


Exeter Planets

Exeter B
Exeter B is a small, terrestrial world that orbits close to the sun.  The planet has a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere with a sulfur haze, it's surface is composed of magnesium and calcium.

Distance: 0.22 AU

Orbit: 38 days

Temp: 508 K

Mass: 0.2 Earth

Radius: 4,168 km

Gravity: 0.46 g

Rotation: 63 hours

Moon(s): 0


Exeter C
Exeter C is a habitable, terrestrial world covered in 85% water.  The planet's land masses are separated into small continents, scattered across the surface.  The planet is known for its pleasant weather, though severe storms, fueled by the large, warm oceans, are quite common and can be disastrous.

Distance: 0.97 AU

Orbit: 345 days

Temp: 270 K

Mass: 1.6 Earth

Radius: 8,210 km

Gravity: 0.96 g

Rotation: 30 hours

Moon(s): 4


Exeter D
Exeter D is an very cold, terrestrial world with seas of methane and nitrogen ice.  The planet has a tenuous nitrogen atmosphere, the atmosphere grows and shrinks with the planet's changing seasons.

Distance: 5.67 AU

Orbit: 13.3 years

Temp: 103 K

Mass: 1.4 Earth

Radius: 7,593 km

Gravity: 0.99 g

Rotation: 55 hours

Moon(s): 1


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)








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