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Star Systems
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Assyria is a planetary system orbiting a yellow G-class star.  The system lies in the Orion Constellation of the Hyades Region.

Assyra is a planetary system orbited by two gas giants.  The larger of the planets, Assyria, contains over 16 times Jupiter's mass, the large planet borders on being a brown dwarf.  The massive planet orbits along the outside edge of the habitable zone and is orbited by a habitable moon.


Assyria's primary planet is the habitable moon that orbits the massive planet Assyria C.  The moon is a mountainous world with deep valleys and rich natural resources.  Earthquakes are common on this heavily tectonically active world.

System: Assyria

Primary Star: HD 38529

Stellar Type: G4V ☼

Mass (Sol): 1.48

Luminosity: 6.44x Sun

Distance: 138.38 ly

Constellation: Orion

Region: Hyades

Population: 960 Million


Assyria Planets

Assyria B
Assyria B is a gas giant with 75% of Jupiter's mass.  The world orbits close to the parent star at a distance under 0.15 AU.  The planet is a borderline hot Jupiter with a temperature of over 900 K.

Distance: 0.13 AU

Orbit: 14 days

Temp: 941 K

Mass: 0.81 Jupiter

Radius: 68,015 km

Gravity: 2.25 g

Rotation: -

Moon(s): 0


Assyria C
syria C is Jovian world bordering on a brown dwarf, with 16 times the mass of Jupiter.  The massive planet orbits along the outside edge of the habitable zone.

Distance: 3.59 AU

Orbit: 5.6 years

Temp: 250 K

Mass: 16.78 Jupiter

Radius: 110k km

Gravity: 17.72 g

Rotation: 15 hours

Moon(s): 2


Assyria C1
Assyria C1 is a habitable moon that orbits the massive planet Assyria C.  The moon is a mountainous world with deep valleys and rich natural resources.  Earthquakes are common on this heavily tectonically active world.

Distance: 805k km

Orbit: 27.2 hours

Temp: 270 K

Mass: 0.47 Earth

Radius: 4,962 km

Gravity: 0.77 g


Closest Inhabited Systems:



Distance (ly)














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